Odette Hella'Grand
Milky Diamond
Metamorphosis – die Faszination der Verwandlung
Metamorphosis takes the viewer into the world of the Variétés, travesty and Drag Queens. The exhibited portraits show the Metamorphosis, in other words the transformation of the artist in his artistic character. Every artist was photographed twice: on the first portrait he can be seen as man, on the second one after the fascinating transformation as the portrayed woman. Metamorphosis shows the viewer how, with a lot of talent and make-up, the illusion becomes reality.
Metamorphosis is a comprehensive project that was first exhibited at Photobastei in Zürich in June 2018.
I am fascinated by the transformation that the drag artists are going through, how they transform their faces and appearances for the observer to a complete new person.
15 different artists were portrayed for this project: Goss Ipa, Jazzmin Dian Moore, Vicky Goldfinger, Milky Diamond, France Delon, Jeff van Phil, Odette Hella’Grand, Effi Mer Delamaskis, Vanessa la Wash, Carrie 666, Tessa Testikel, Stella Divine, Eva Detox, Petra, Pia Spatz. They perform on a regular basis in Zürich, Luzern, Basel, Lausanne and in Germany. Both professional and amateur artists are represented. The portraits were taken between July 2017 and April 2018.
I find it very interesting to compare both portraits at the same time. At first, you think that you see two different persons. A man and a woman. When you look at the pictures more closely, you realize that the characteristics of the physiognomy are the same: eyes, cheekbones, nose. One face ist natural and the other is transformed with a lot of work and art. You see how much talent and time are necessary to create the illusion.
The double portraits are accompanied by personal statements of the artists. These statements show that they are transforming themselves for many different reasons: one of them qualifies as a lady-impersonator and cabaret artist; another one created her character to help the Zürich Aids-Hilfe; a third one because he wants to live her feminine side. A lot of artists are transforming because they love to make a show. Most of them also want to promote tolerance and diversity through their art.
I photographed most of the artists as men at first. They came into the studio and they would then transform after we did the first part of the shooting. I witnessed the transformation, which needs at least one to two hours, and was able to capture very interesting black and white pictures, too. I also could photograph more backstage pictures at Heaven’s Drag Race edition in September 2017 in Zürich.
A video installation ist also showed in the exhibition, which gives a voice and interactivity to the portraits. Furthermore, my interview « Confessions of a Drag Queen » that I made with Jazzmin Dian Moore is shown. In this interview Jazzmin gives the visitor a very private and up close insight of her life as a Drag Queen in Switzerland.
The goal of my exhibition is to present the Drag Queen scene to a broader audience, in order to promote important values like diversity, tolerance and acceptance in the whole society. Still in 2018, this remains very important in Switzerland.
I am still following the project with the aim of realizing a book.
Vicky Goldfinger
Teaser: Making of video mit Eva Detox
Teaser: Confessions of a drag Queen mit Jazzmin Dian Moore
Ausstellung Photobastei:
Daten: 6. bis 17. Juni 2018, Mittwoch bis Samstag 12.00 bis 21.00 Uhr,
Sonntag 12.00 bis 18.00 Uhr
Ort: Photobastei, Sihlquai 125 (3. OG), 8005 Zürich
Podiumsdiskussion 13. Juni 2018 - 20h00:
Im Rahmen meiner Ausstellung Metamorphosis (Photobastei, 6. - 17. Juni 2018) organisiere ich am 13. Juni 2018 eine spannende Podiumsdiskussion statt.
Jazzmin Dian Moore wird die Diskussion mit Drag-Freundinnen Odette Hella'Grand, Effi Meister und Stella Divine moderieren. Sie werden über ihr Sein, ihre Motivation zur Verwandlung und ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen sprechen. Komm vorbei und lerne mehr über die Kunst des Drag !
Finissage 17. Juni 2018 - 16h00
Wir lassen die Ausstellung ausklingen: letzte Chance die Bilder in der Photobastei zu sehen und mit mir persönlich über dieses Projekt, die Fotografie oder andere Themen zu sprechen.
«Metamorphosis» geht in die zweite Runde!
Ausstellung im Hotel Platzhirsch, Zürich, vom 19. Juli 2018 bis 17. Oktober 2018.
Nach meiner erfolgreichen Ausstellung in der Photobastei im Juni 2018 (www.pascalbovey.com/exhibition-photobastei) darf ich die Bilder meines Kunstprojekts «Metamorphosis» auch im PLATZHIRSCH zeigen (www.hotelplatzhirsch.ch).
Ihr seid alle herzlich zur Vernissage am 19. Juli 2018, ab 18h30 eingeladen.
PLATZHIRSCH offeriert am Eröffnungsabend wunderbaren Cava von mivino (www.mivino.ch), der von meinem guten Freund Dani Bohli direkt aus Katalonien importiert wird.
Die exklusiven Bilder von «Metamorphosis» können an dieser Ausstellung erworben werden.
Die Ausstellung dauert vom 19. Juli 2018 bis 17. Oktober 2018.
Ich freue mich, euch an der Vernissage begrüssen zu dürfen.